Over the years one couldn't help thinking of, or being disturbed by, the political scene all over the world, more especially local politics that impacts our lives. Turning to the web I sought out the answer to the question on the relevance of Animal Farm today and wasn't surprised to find an answer. I have unashamedly reproduced it on my blog since I know I couldn't have done as good a job as Don Mac Auley in the Sunday Business Post in 2007. I also hope that those who have not read this satirical novel will perhaps do so.It doesn't need much imagination to see how this story fits our political conditions at all levels.
Sunday Business Post
Animal farm: as relevant today as it was back then
Sunday, May 20, 2007 - By Don Mac Auley
The last time I opened George Orwell’s Animal Farm, according to the inscription inside the cover, I was a fourth year high school student.
Compared to the doorstops we’d previously studied in English class, it appeared a much easier read. Our teacher said that after we read it, nothing would ever be the same again.
A moral tale about the corruption of power, it opened my eyes to the world where ‘‘all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others’’. As Spanish and Irish people head to the polls, it strikes me that his would be a better read than any of the political manifestos, for the politicians and the public alike.
Spain’s electorate goes to the polls in the municipal elections on May 27.Voting will establish the composition of local and provincial councils, or Diputacions.
Although these have limited powers, the result is a good indicator of national trends and usually reflects support for the various political parties.
The two main parties have already locked horns. The Olive Press, our local newspaper in English, last week reported illegal electioneering and mass vote-rigging.
Here in Spain, the politicians are asking difficult questions and accusing each other of fraud and corruption.
In Ireland, the Taoiseach’s financial irregularities beg scant comment from his political rivals, but you get the feeling running for election in Spain would be less comfortable for Bertie.
Reeling from the boost in his popularity after ‘Bertiegate’ last autumn, the alternate kings are ever so quiet.
Rabitte and Kenny’s acquiescence on the issue may be cute electioneering, but it says little for their characters. Somewhere Edmund Burke is quietly turning in his grave.
When I questioned Bertie followers back home about what effect these revelations have had on opinion, I often hear that redundant response, ‘‘Ah, sure ’tis better the divil you know’’. But you don’t know and probably will never know.
The sudden growth of the electoral register in our council seems a minor scandal next to Bertie’s wranglings but in the Spanish mountains, as elsewhere, politicians are hungry to cling to power.
In Lanjaron, famous for its spring water, the socialist candidate for mayor has accused the incumbent of suspicious registrations of voters who are ‘‘friends of the mayor or his family and do not even live in the town’’.
The mayor has denied any wrongdoing and declared that, ‘‘if the Junta Electoral wants to investigate, let them’’.
And we are not alone. Over 230 town halls and individuals in Spain are suspected of census fraud. In Melilla, the Partido Popular chief of elections is being investigated after allegedly trying to make 1,000 copies of a postal vote document. While in a village in Salamanca, it was discovered that nine people were registered as living in a chicken shed.
This desire for, and abuse of, power were also present in Animal Farm. Demonstrating how a revolution turned full circle as the oppressed become the oppressors, it echoes Lord Acton’s saying: ‘‘Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely’’.
Having rid themselves of the cruel Mr Jones, the animals relish new freedoms but in their complacency they were soon subjugated by the pigs under lead pig Napoleon. At first, they took the apples and milk and then set about changing the commandments of the rebellion until eventually they created a greater tyranny than the previous regime.
With the terror of the dogs and the propaganda of Squealer, Napoleon forced the animals to forget the past as history is altered, and they ultimately lose control of their present and future. More than 20 years later, I can still envisage the final scene. The pigs are standing upright now, carrying whips, wearing clothes and entertaining the local human farmers. Sharing beer, they congratulate each other on their commercial success and a game of cards starts up all of which is against the rules of the animal revolution.
Caught cheating, a loud argument attracts the other animals to the window and peering in, to their horror, they are unable to discriminate between the pigs and the humans.
Today, in my mind’s eye, I see the same scene not with pigs but unfamiliar businessmen.
Visit www.changinglanes.es for Irish dentist Don Mac Auley’s experience of trading Celtic tiger Ireland for a year in the Spanish mountains
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Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Everyone is worried
The election scene is hotting up. However, the end result is what counts. The electorate is concerned and what is not good, but at the same time can be expected, given the political situation, is the talk about the negative vote to register one's rejection of all the candidates in the fray. Over the years one had confidence in the party's choice and one voted no matter who the politician was, but the quality of candidates have deteriorated. Criminalisation of politics has come to stay. Before party hopping would be a joke because not much changeovers took place. Now it is the coalition government with the majority that counts. So you may have a party that switches sides at the drop of a hat so to speak. As some of our popular politicians saying `there are no permanent foes in politics. That's a pretty convenient argument.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Pup adopted
Right from mid-Jan I fed this pup every day, that is, even on holidays. During this time it had started getting around more. It even sought out my son in his class which is a good distance from the school gate. Then he would follow us to my scooter where I would feed him. Then one day I couldn't find him only to be told by the gate-keeper that a man had taken him away as a pet.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
From the Shepherd's Archives
Taken at no. 13 old Lawrence Terrace perhaps at the end of the 40s or early 1950's. My dad, Ivan and mother, Tessy and Nana Mabel are seen clearly. In the shadow is probably Aunty Ivy (Hourigan) . Below is Uncle Jim and Aunty Maud. Jim was the only sibling of my dad's to settle out of the country (UK) where he died not long after getting there in 1968(?).
Pics taken more than 60 years ago. Some people may not be surprised. Most people live in the present, I live in the past. The first two pics were taken at Lawrence Terrace while the third one either at the Residency or the Prince of Whales Zoological Gardens, Lucknow. The name of the zoo was changed in the last ten years. Standing is Aunt Maud, my dad's sister, Ivy, my dad and mum, cousin, Dorothy (James), Glenna and Maurice James. On the ground is Uncle Jim and his son Hubert.Thursday, March 5, 2009
La Martiniere taken from the dry lake bed in 1999
The sorry state of the Lart that has had all the bricks carried away from the surrounding wall. This became possible with the drying up of the lake and the construction of the embankment to prevent the riverwater entering the city.
Bibipur Kothi taken in the summer of 1999
Bibipur Kothi, located in the Military Dairy Farm, Dilkusha was built by Claude Martin
for Nawab Asaf-ud-daula and was used to house the incoming British Resident before he took over at the Residency in the city. My son, Glenn in pic.
The history of the building given on a board states:
Located on the right bank of the River Gomti, this building was built
by Nawab Asif-ud-Daula (1775-97 AD) and designed with the assistance
of Major General Claude Martin. It ws used to entertain European
guests. After the demise of the nawab in 1797 a darbar was held here
and Sir John Shore (Governor General from 1793-97) declared Saadat Ali Khan
as the rightful successor to the throne. After the annexation of Awadh
in 1856 the place was used by the British, particularly Army officers for
various celebrations.
The history of the building given on a board states:
Located on the right bank of the River Gomti, this building was built
by Nawab Asif-ud-Daula (1775-97 AD) and designed with the assistance
of Major General Claude Martin. It ws used to entertain European
guests. After the demise of the nawab in 1797 a darbar was held here
and Sir John Shore (Governor General from 1793-97) declared Saadat Ali Khan
as the rightful successor to the throne. After the annexation of Awadh
in 1856 the place was used by the British, particularly Army officers for
various celebrations.
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The front of Bibiapur Kothi has lost much of what can be seen in the top picture taken in 1999. |
Sunday, March 1, 2009
It's not easy to get back to one's blog as much as one would like. During the day while one is occupied with other matters plenty of thoughts and ideas pass through the mind. Some are great ideas which are all too soon forgotten by the time one could sit down to the computer. Now when the family have come together for a Sunday lunch, as at present, to try and keep the blog spirit up is not the ideal time. But one has to somehow register one's presence even if it's with something less than ordinary.
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