Monday, May 18, 2009

Elections: Man Oh Man!

18 May, 2009.
The UPA is in as was expected all round even by rival party supporters. What wasn't expected is the margin by which is has come in, especially in UP, where Lady Mayawati has been growing in strength year by year.
All politicians should now keep in mind that quote: You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." Abe Lincoln said it way, way back so have some respect for him even though he wasn't Indian. This election is the proof that the people are tired of being fooled. The people also know what is happening. I heard so much at street corners. Of course I did hear some praise for Mulayam Singh but later when I thought about it I realized the people who praised him were villagers who were squatterson government land aided by the Samajwadi Party. So direct beneficiaries are all praise. I guess that is only human.
The Opposition should combine to give meaningful criticism. Recognise the good being done by the Union government and make known what make require altered. And definitely don't YES to everything hoping that the UPA will fall on its face. That you should know is unlikely to happen.
True, ministers have advisers. They sometimes get ideas themselves which the adviser concerned is supposed to examine from all angles, before implementation. So when one sees thousands of crores being spent on memorials, thousands of lights to light up the area, while large city areas remain in darkness one wonders. Does the boss get the right type of advice or is everything yes boss, no boss, knowing what is expected. One cannot also help wonder whether this is democracy? Another quote of Abe's on democracy ".. of the people, by the people, for the people". People want a roof over their heads, food and clothing, water and electricity. The BSP's loss should make the Lady think again of her policies/ priorities and perhaps one day she'll get there.
I would have thought that big statues had gone out with Saddam and with the collapse of the USSR. In the Soviet Union at least none of those leaders were around to see they being pulled down. Saddam lived to see it.

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